Naturally grown garlic vs conventionally grown

Naturally grown produce is raised using natural fertilisers such as animal manure and compost, and chemicals are NOT used to control weeds. Conventionally grown produce is grown for large volumes via traditional farming methods that use chemical fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides.

Naturally grown produce is as close to organic as you can get without paying the additional price that organic certification demands. The term is often used by farms that use natural methods or that are in the process of converting to certified organic, which takes years. In the meantime, naturally grown is an appropriate term for what is still an outstanding product.

Local or imported?

Look at the labels next time you buy garlic or ask where it’s from. Conventionally grown garlic can be either local or imported. Imported garlic sold in Australia is always fumigated with methyl bromide, which is an ozone depleting, toxic biocide or sterility agent that is used to prevent the importation of disease. Whilst it’s deemed safe, we prefer not to use it. Imported garlic is also conventionally grown (see above).

So local garlic always trumps imported garlic and naturally grown garlic is superior to conventionally farmed if you prefer to avoid consuming traces of chemicals.

storing fresh garlic in a colander
garlic crop close up

Why is naturally grown garlic more expensive?

It’s in the volume. Chemical fertilisers and conventional farming produce larger a overall crop size. Farmers can reduce costs by having a larger volume.

Naturally grown garlic is much more labour intensive in its production because we hand-plant, hand-weed, hand-harvest. You guessed it, we also clean each bulb by hand.

Where can you buy naturally farmed produce like garlic and shallots?

There are several farms selling their own garlic direct online. You can also usually find it at local farmers’ markets, certain fruit and vegetable stores as well as at selected grocery stores.

About the Author: Liz Flower

Liz is a part-time garlic farmer, who together with her partner Mark Grigsby and their children, turned to growing garlic on the family farm as a hobby. Liz is passionate about growing and learning about all things garlic and will talk garlic all day if you let her! Liz is also a copywriter and IT professional, managing websites and SEO as a freelancer. She can help you with your website on an hourly basis - contact me now!


Order Online

Our fresh Australian garlic is sold by weight, in plaits, or in gift or variety boxes. We grow several varieties including pink, purple stripe, Spanish Rojo and Italian Late, as well as golden shallots.

Garlic Planting Packs

Our 3-bulb garlic planting packs are available in several hardneck varieties. Plant in April-May-June and harvest in December.

pink garlic bulbs
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